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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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authorities say egypt's first round of elections are seen the highest turnout ever but the results are delayed with forecasts suggesting the islamists are winning. the un condemns human rights violations in syria although russia votes against the resolution saying the motion is one sided only aggravate the conflict. and legal loophole in the u.k. is being used as a shield for convicted immigrant criminals saving them from deportation and turning britain into a safe haven for serious offenders from the top stories this. international
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news and comment around the clock around the world this is the egyptian officials say turnout for the opening round of parliamentary elections has been the highest in the country since the pharaohs the official results are still being delayed but predictions give the lead to the islamist muslim brotherhood party we have to get more a little later if no in fact we can get more now from. we have received results of individual candidates because these were elections in which people were voting for the individual candidates as well as political parties and in this respect only four out of fifty three members of parliament have been officially elected the remaining were unable to receive the more than fifty percent threshold that they needed and in this respect there will be a runoff come monday and tuesday next week but in terms of the political parties still no confirmation although we are hearing reports in these parts of the muslim
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brotherhood in a comfortable first position with more than sixty percent of the votes now the brotherhood has gone so far as to call on of why to accept. the will of the people the surprise of these elections has been the strong showing of the salafist group it is expected that it could get as much as the of the seats in parliament this would put it in a very powerful position to influence the debate and the discussion at a point of entry level now this is the first time that a salafist has registered as a political party in the past it has been accused of insanity sic tarion strife against egypt's minority christian community now we are hearing reaction from his role it has called these developments to quote the israeli government very very disturbing he's a defense minister and he says that he hopes of. international treaties that it has signed in the past particularly the taking nine hundred seventy nine peace treaty
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with israel the muslim brotherhood has always been to this peace treaty it has close ties with us and in this respect the mass has issued a statement on its website commending the egyptian people for what it says clearly showing support for islam missed the rallying call in talking square remains much the same as it has been for weeks now and that is that people there simply do not believe the commitment of the promise by the government and the military the minute . she is saying that it will step down once a new parliament is in place for next year and it has to this end of queen to any government and they come all guns all now we were expecting that would finish announcing his new government today this is what we heard from him it has not yet happened but after they were leaks to the media in terms of who would be making up some of those positions in the new government we're now hearing that he's reconsidering some of those positions because many of them seem to be faces and names from the old regime and this just reinforces what people in tahrir square are
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saying and that is that the military is not genuine about wanting to hand over power in the long run now analysts have been warning not to read too much into these elections it's still not clear exactly how this new partnership will be structured how much power it will have and it's certainly not clear how much power the military in the long run is prepared to hand over. the huge u.n. human rights council has passed a resolution condemning violations committed by the syrian authorities the document points especially those to cater to look into the government's abuses during the uprising which has gone on for months and calls for the u.n. to take action russia and china voted against the resolution saying it might lead to a foreign intervention under the pretext of human rights both moscow and beijing believe emotion ignores crimes committed by the rebels only aggravate the crisis. we think that it is that all of the international community to try to help resolve internal
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crisis through promoting dialogue what don't understand is why if that can be done in yemen that cannot apply to syria in syria as a mile from the outset the message which has been set up from some quarters capitals is there is no way dialogue can help those who go into dialogue we should stop it immediately that there is no future in the arab league initiative we believe that this is something very counterproductive and this is something which has exacerbated the situation in syria the international community is not there to smell blood and to found confrontation but the international community is there to prevent further bloodshed and to encourage it encourage what this is what the united nations is about this is what the security council is about. well syria's main opposition group has vowed to cut ties with iran has been and hamas if the current government goes professor you have golden director of the transcend peace
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university told r.t. that that agenda goes very well with the regional interests of some other countries the western intend this of course to split of syria completely from any reigning in connection as they see it. the west is with the leadership and against their position and in syria their video position and against the leadership cutting it much too sharp so it's a question of where the big boys out the big boys which group where the big boys live in the big west advice that's a typical version of the there is libya being played again we have heard it too and before. that will probably cost much more and more many more civilians than the lives they will protect and it will set the pattern for a war that will go on for a long time. voting in russia's parliamentary elections is already underway ballots are being cast at polling stations across the east in most regions of the country
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russians vote on sunday choosing from seven parties vying for seats in the parliament or the state duma the outcome of most interest is whether the ruling united russia party manages to keep its majority of over two thirds parties need to overcome a threshold of seventy percent of votes to make it into parliament while later today on sunday will be bring you the results the reaction and of course in-depth analysis. the campaign closes. the people prepare to speak. in duma election eleven. in-depth coverage of has won the hearts and minds of the russian people. in britain an article of the human rights act ensures the right to a family life for those who live there but what sounds fair on paper is being used in reality by criminals because they can overturn decisions to deport them for their offenses by using the legal loophole that allows them to stay laura smith
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explains the rights to a family life is not an absolute right and it must not be used to drive. through immigration. article eight an innocuous sounding element in the human rights act but which means having children can stop illegal immigrants being kicked out of britain no matter what they've done pull houston knows what it's like to have your family destroyed his twelve year old daughter amy was killed in a hit and run by an iraqi who was banned from driving as she was crossing the road . the driver of the car the runner or. current on the corridor of the car and. she became trapped under the wheels of the car. and. he basically fled the scene unless it's a guy trapped under the wheels in the water car amy's killer asso mohammed abraham
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already had a string of minor convictions even before he moved her down and fled but because he subsequently fathered two children by a british woman he still lives in the u.k. it's article eight that keeps him here oddly enough it was one of these that catapulted the issue into the headlines the home secretary seizing on claims that an illegal bolivian was allowed to stay in this country because of the emotional trauma of separating him from his pet not quite true but it got people talking and noticing much more serious cases including a rapist who successfully argued asylum his social life and a killer who lived with his parents in may this year it was revealed that nearly four thousand foreign criminals were set free from detention centers because it was decided they couldn't be deported within a reasonable time among them dozens of rapists murderers and paedophiles separately
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last year nearly six hundred people used the human rights act to avoid deportation the vast majority citing the right to a private and family life in the case of amy's killer a series of bungles and delays by the authorities meant that by the time even him came up for deportation he appeared to have created a family despite flimsy evidence about his parenting intentions he was allowed to stay yet she would rights campaigners argue britain's status as a haven for the persecuted is sacred these are very hard back hundreds of years they're embedded in international law you know the real torch is in the aftermath of the second world war so make sure that we always. going to go into society on those principles that we hope to hear through a grieving father. like paul that's missing the point what we have a special we articulate the human rights act we have criminals terrorists murderers
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. drug dealers or using the human rights act as a shield to hide behind and to stonewall contra. problem where new genuine asylum seekers or think anybody has but what we don't want to see is we will see people abuse and that's what's wrong and i think not what needs to be addressed amy was pulled only child now lives alone spending his time campaigning against article eight and wondering why the rights of his daughters immigrant killer outweigh his own laura smith r.t. . story come this hour here on unemployment falls in the u.s. a sign of recovery or the figures. these are real jobs this is the plantation economy we look at whether the recent drop in joblessness reflects the real state of things in the american economy also still to come this. mess to get
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how the russian speaking community in the former soviet republic of a stone you know is falling victim to what they call a language inquisition often losing jobs for speaking their native tongue. their story sort of come first european leaders are planning what's being described as budgetary intervention in the running of e.u. member states german chancellor angela merkel is pushing for the creation of a fiscal union eurozone countries it would mean that the financial policies of e.u. nations would have to be approved by brussels with penalties for countries which break the rules the move would require changes to the e.u. treaty robert all director of the group warns that creating a fiscal union would put an end to democracy within the e.u. . if there is a fiscal union which will take years to build in the e.u. that will mean that there will be the end of democracy within europe it will mean that countries will be effectively governed by the european central bank and
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germany cannot make thinking and the interests of the very few. european elite based in brussels it's really dangerous i think to centralize power the euro has created a great deal of economic problems and they're not going to have you know cap more problems on to that by creating a fiscal union which will mean that government's tax and spend policy will in a sense will be run on brussels and frankfurt and that is a deeply undemocratic and will store up further trouble in the future but the problems are with the euro and they really do need to recognise that the euro should be broken up into more manageable parts and countries have control over their own economic policies again and that way they can get growth back into europe at the moment the european economy is just stagnating because stuck in the straight jacket of the european single currency as the global economic crisis rages artie's financial pundit max kaiser continues his mission to expose the shadowy figures behind it his revelations in full coming up in the next hour of first here's
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a preview for you. german finance minister says big bazooka not ready would not stem crisis even if it was this suggests to me that in fact wolfgang schauble is meeting in private with goldman sachs bankers and telling them to short the heck out of europe right now because the plan is to pull the rug out from under them when we saw that in the greece an area remember john paulson the hedge fund manager was in greece in athens shortly before the crisis to call there and was meeting with the government and instructing them on how he was going to rip that country down using massive short sales so this financial terrorism using weapons of mass financial destruction to destroy colonies and impose austerity measures is that now taken to a much wider level they want to take down the entire euro zone.
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because a report coming your way to later on unemployment in the u.s. has dropped to its lowest level in two and a half years according to the latest official figures and what it could bring cheer to barack obama in the run up to elections republicans are running press saying the jobless rate is still higher than when he took office trends will cost a juror so then he thinks the democrats are simply spinning the numbers to the only advantage when you look at the real numbers in who got their jobs it's. food stamp employees oh there were jobs created in retail you know those wonderful jobs we take people's money and you say have a nice day and there were jobs in hospitality that's another word for cleaning up somebody who's room oh when there were jobs in health care you know working in nursing homes making sixty to fifty a week by that syme after taxes you know so these are real jobs this is
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a plantation economy and the big law that no one's talking about as they pump up this week number you need a hundred twenty five thousand jobs a month just to account for the new people moving in to the economy and population growth so that leaves all the people that have lost all these jobs since the great recession hit still out of work. when as many americans are struggling to find work of those a busy planning christmas shopping but is there a place for keeping up to date with world events on the list for health and it's been looking for answers on the streets of new york. are people aware of what's going on in the world this holiday season are they only interested in shopping this week let's talk about that what do you make of the
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first egyptian election since the revolution so no idea about well what do you think is the importance of it don't know anything about it or what's on your mind that shopping do you agree with britain's choice to pull out of its embassy in tehran. we don't follow the news these days so i'm not so informed about what do you follow these days. all the trip around the city how do you think the european union should handle the greek situation but hear me out so that you really don't follow that closely now what are you guys been plowing in the news. knowledge of. the watches the news i watch the. what is that h.d.t.v. and the cooking channel did you think nato had a right to pakistan this is getting very political i'm on a five day holiday i'm not going to get into a big political discussion i don't mean the sit down not worldly but i'm being more
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attention there was have been over it was happening in another country that is somewhat not affecting us do you think that's what most people feel probably what about you probably whether or not you've crossed everything off your list this holiday the bottom line is you might want to consider taking a break from shopping to find out what's going on in the rest of the world. and his and look at what else is making news around the world at this stage of the diana world updated ring in different parts of return home for hero's welcome after being expelled from the u.k. and told to leave the country after protesters stormed protest diplomatic compounds in toronto western officials blame the rom's leadership for alleged. dossing attacks crowds of students gathered at tehran's airport to show their support for the diplomats and chant british slogans. clashes between rodgers and police in southern peru have seen one person killed and
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another twenty wounded fierce demonstrators blocked the pan-american highway protesting against the expansion of a local prison the skirmish flared up when police arrived at the scene to disperse the crowd and clear the way for vehicles it's the country's second violent protest this week twenty were injured in peru's north in a demonstration against a mining project on tuesday and. police are prepared for riots in south africa as thousands of protestors begin gathering in durban to raise awareness about climate change billed as a global day of action the demonstrations come as a summit on the topic reaches its halfway mark in the city negotiations a focus on how the next period of agreements will be shaped who will participate and under what rules the top u.n. official says she is confident industrial countries will renew goals to cut greenhouse gases after their current commitments expire next year. in two people killed more than fifty injured after a stampede at the close factory in the bangladeshi capital dhaka thousands of
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workers rushed out of the building off the rumors of a five star run for the exits many were trampled underfoot officials said they couldn't find any trace of a fire on labor rights groups say safety standards are inadequate in many of the country's factories. it's that part of a soldier's life that can never be forgotten or undone when they pull the trigger with another person in their sights an in-depth look at the american troops who struggle with the morality of killing in combat is coming your way later here on r.t. . i had to go through a ten year old boy that. we train them how to. develop the orders for them to. we never explained to them why it's ok.
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most people at the point of looking down in time to pull the trigger became conscientious objectors. i don't remember squeezing the trigger i don't remember seeing him go down when i remembers that we shot him. the other side are soldiers too and soldiers do this all the time they're trying to kill us we're trying to kill them and that's just the ugly face of war. nothing honorable and. i went to the war zone and i started seeing how i need to change. in the only way to do their bit of a rival and kill another person that's why i'm applying for jobs.
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and that's special report coming away a little later here in r.t.e. over two decades since the collapse of the soviet union the russian language is coming under pressure in estonia it used to be an official language there but has since faced a clamp down by the authorities the vast russian community is now worried that they will be forced to favor a stone you know over their native tongue. he has more. a russian speaking fisherman catches a magic fish it promises to fulfill all his wishes in his own ian but he does not understand the language and he dumps it this social ad urges the russian minority in the stony to learn estonia in a rather amusing fashion the reality is no joke at all. old state officials are obliged to know the estonian language in the course of their work this is written in our language it also applies to people working in the majority
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of public services. just like other post soviet baltic states estonia has its own language inspection the body which oversees how the language law is being observed at times laying it down quite harshly the language inspection has the legal right to conduct spontaneous checks on anyone working in any sphere and should a person fail the language exam the body may then initiate the sacking of this employee human right activists say this has turned the language inspection into a punitive body. it is not that they have nothing to say it's just that they believe their voices are being silenced estonia's three hundred thousand strong russian minority has been protesting at what they describe as the language inquisition some of these people either lost their jobs or are on their threat of doing so because they are forbidden from speaking their native language soon if you're through every so often cursed soviet power never applied in the restrictions
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of languages the stoniest were free to educate in their language nowadays the authorities have almost banned the russian language from schools besides some russian communities don't have qualified teachers who can teach physics or chemistry in a stone ian in the latest twist five workers at an orphanage were fired for not being able to speak a story into the children that's in a town where ninety six percent of the population are ethnic russians. and i don't want to. but as long as we have in this country we have to leave by the lord and i fired those people because they had been warned but did nothing. q one rights activists acknowledge the rule of the law but stress that in the language case it is not applied properly because of the law doesn't put any difference between we're almost everyone sees russian as their native language and other parts where most of the people speak a stone and with such disproportion we can talk of direct language discrimination and direct ethnic discrimination activists in another baltic states have been
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gathering signatures and holding a referendum to make russian the second state language and many say they have a strong chance of pushing it through a stone despite being criticized by amnesty international for its language policy is adamant and it seems the russian minority would not catch the magic fish granting their wish anytime soon. r.t. reporting from thailand in a story. to try and you can always find more stories on our website r t v dot com in addition to what you see here on screen let's see what's lined up there right now at the moment king in but helping out find out how to groups of computer whiz kids known as anonymous and poison joining forces to steal from banks and give to the paul. plus a brand new cosmodrome easton is set to be built in russia's far east this company's product astronomic come out to be spent on the cutting edge space shuttle
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launch site all up for you and plenty more to dot com. coming up to twenty six minutes past the hour here in the russian capital with a look at the headlines in just a few moments from now stay with us live here in moscow.
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as russians pick for parliament who are the main contenders in the race for duma seats party leader gennady zyuganov types the achievements of communism from before his time but he's criticized for his rebel small with the russian orthodox church current campaign slogan the politics of the majority is made to when we return the motherland stolen from us priorities free education and housing pushing illegal immigration and introducing ethnicity stamps in passports party success story second in all presidential elections since the end of the u.s.s.r. criticized for exploiting soviet nostalgia with pensioners and a discontented industrial working class. for its red flags with the hammer and sickle the communist party of the russian federation do mut'ah lection two thousand eleven on r.t.
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. wealthy british style. that's not on planet earth. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. on. the a. fuse.
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just see. if. the for. more news today violence is once again flared up the following these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada trophy china operations are today.


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